A week ago, I decided to take a day of leave to do some flying. It felt like winter was rapidly coming to a close and I better get some flying in while the skis were still on the plane. As I got to the airport, I called Paul to see what he was doing. "We're going flying. I'm at the airport right now" was his reply so at noon, I took off and met up with Paul, Clint, and Kim over Potter Marsh. We headed across Turnagain Arm to Hope and then up to Resurrection Pass. After flying through the pass, we landed at Juneau Lake.
There is a great cabin at Juneau Lake.
Taking off from Juneau Lake, we headed to Kenai Lake, flying over the lake and south to Lost Lake (just north of Seward). At Lost Lake, I followed everyone and landed last. The snow was deeper than at Juneau Lake.
From Lost Lake, we followed the highway and, then the railroad, back towards Anchorage. Along the way, we stopped at Spencer Glacier to transfer some fuel from Paul to Kim.
Leaving Spencer Glacier, we overflew Alyeska Ski Resort (since Verena was skiing there...she saw our flight of four as we passed) and we returned to Anchorage through Powerline Pass. It was a great day of flying and turned out to be my last day of ski flying for 2010. Overall, I got 25.8 hours of ski flying since January 23rd!
It has been pretty warm and there was a puddle of water forming under my plane, so I opted to get off the lake and switch back to tires. On Thursday, I taxied over to the public ramp and jacked the plane up and switched back to tires.